Well-being and mental health are fundamental components of children's development and their educational success. Yet, more than one in four children face challenges such as neurodevelopmental and learning disorders (like Specific Learning Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), mood disorders (like anxiety, depression), or emotional and behavioral disorders.

In the absence of detection and intervention, these challenges often lead to severe consequences for the child and those around them: lack of interest, dropping out, bullying, violence, suicidal actions...

The LISA research-action program provides educational stakeholders with tools to identify, understand, and collaborate, to support each child, both in and outside of school, based on their strengths and needs. Co-constructed by teachers, families, researchers, clinicians, and other educational actors, LISA develops a community, a training program, and a digital platform.

LISA is originally developed and prototyped in France, initiated by iféa, a network of innovative schools, and the Learning Planet Institute. LISA is developed Under the supervision of its scientific committee, including Ariel B. Lindner, Bennett L. Leventhal, Richard Delorme, Bruno Falissard, Caroline Huron, Yasser Kazhaal, and others; a dedicated team including Anirudh Krishnakumar, Naima Page, Kseniia Konischeva, Arno Klein, and others; and key partner institutions including the Child Mind Institute, INSERM U1284, CléPsy, and the Robert Debré Hospital in Paris.

The project has received support from the French government to be deployed in 200 schools within the Académie de Créteil, Académie de Paris, Académie de Versaille, and the Mission laïque française.

LISA aims to provide stakeholders in the education of children and adolescents with evidence-based, actionable, and accessible training and guidance in the process of identifying and supporting their unique strengths and needs. As part of this effort, LISA is building a database of resources, Lisapedia.

While all Lisapedia content will be carefully written, reviewed, and validate by a scientific and editorial committee, this page represents a technological proof of concept of combining structured knowledge from field experts with generative AI to draft content, which can then be reviewed and edited by experts.


I want to help my children/student in the following broad area:
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I want to help my children/student in the following, more specific area:
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In this area, my children/student displays the following behavior:
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I am:
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This is the generated guide:

View prompt

I am a 2nd grade teacher. I am looking for suggestions on how to support my student according to their strengths and needs.

You are a child and adolescent psychiatrist. Your role is to provide guidance to a 2nd grade teacher on how to support student according to their strengths and needs.

My student has been assessed for the following dimension:

Habits/compulsions - managing recurring habits: Habits are well-practiced routines that are essential for managing daily function by creating efficiency and effectiveness processes for managing recurring tasks and addressing familiar problems. Habits are automatic behaviors, but, when necessary for successful adaptation, can be modified to accommodate changing circumstances.
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His/her profile is as follows:

Compulsive, rigid habits/routines that interfere with daily functioning: Overwhelmingly preoccupied with the details and execution of habits/routines causing excessive consumption of time and energy, and interfering with flexibility necessary to address common and novel challenges of daily life.

Create a guide that I can use and share to best support my student.

The guide MUST have the following structure:

1. Overview of the challenges associated with this profile

Present this section as a markdown table with 2 columns:
- Challenges,
- How they manifest.

2. Efficient, evidence-based strategies to support this student

In this section, include 3 to 5 strategies. Each strategy must have:
- A title,
- A brief description and why it is efficient,
- Specific implementation steps,
- Parameters to monitor and adjust.

Present this information in a markdown table with 4 columns.

Each strategy must be sustainable and easy to implement in the classroom, and lead to this student nurturing his strengths and building resilience.

3. Do and don'ts

List common mistakes to avoid and best practices to follow when supporting this student.

Present this information in a markdown table with 2 columns.

4. Further reading and research

List resources that can help me learn more about this profile, as well as a choice of keywords to use in my own research.

Be concise and use simple language. Prefer using bullet points and/or markdown tables instead of long text paragraphs.
  1. Overview of the Challenges Associated with this Profile
ChallengesHow they manifest
InflexibilityStudent sticks rigidly to routines and struggles with changes, even small ones.
Rough TransitionsStudent experiences difficulty shifting from one activity to another.
Time ManagementExcessive focus on routines consumes the majority of student's time, which may lead to challenges completing tasks in a timely manner.
Social ChallengesStudent's preoccupation with their own routines may lead to impaired social interactions.
AnxietyAny disruption to student's habit/routine might induce stress and anxiety.
  1. Efficient, Evidence-based Strategies to Support this Student
TitleDescriptionImplementation StepsParameters
Strategy 1: Habit Gradual ChangeMaking slight adjustments to a part of the student's routine over time can reduce resistance and anxietyStart by changing one small aspect of one routine. Provide clear expectations and reminders about this change. Gradually introduce changes to other routines.Monitor anxiety levels and resistance. If stress becomes too great, slow the pace of changes.
Strategy 2: Use of Visual TimelinesBy visually depicting the day's activities and routines can create a sense of predictability for the studentCreate a daily schedule with pictures representing each activity. Incorporate some flexible "choice" times where the student can select what they do.Monitor the student's engagement, anxiety levels, and their ability to transition between activities.
Strategy 3: Social StoriesSocial stories can provide a contextual framework to help the student understand and navigate social situationsDevelop stories that explain social expectations and behaviors in scenarios the student tends to struggle with. Review the social stories regularly.Monitor the student's ability to implement the behaviors discussed in the social stories.
  1. Do's and Don'ts
Do maintain clear and consistent communication with the student and parentsDon't abruptly change routines without prior notice
Do provide regular and consistent reassurances and positive reinforcementsDon't punish or reprimand the student for being rigid or inflexible
Do allow for some degree of control for the student over their environmentDon't force the student to inemmediately change all routines
  1. Further Reading and Research


  1. Managing Childhood Anxiety
  2. Supporting Students with OCD
  3. Building Social Skills for Kids with Habit Rigidities

Keywords for further research:

  1. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children
  2. Habit Rigidity
  3. Child Anxiety Management
  4. Educational Strategies for inflexible behavior.
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